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Emerging COntaminants in Antarctic Snow: sources and TRAnsport (ECO AS:TRA) Prog. PNRA18_00229 Snow samples
The Concordia Research Station provides a unique location for preparatory activities for future human journey to Mars, to explore microbial diversity at subzero temperatures and monitor the dissemination of human-associated microorganisms within the pristine surrounding environment. The present study was performed in the frame of the BacFinder project (European Space Agency, ESA AO-13-Concordia) with the aim to unravel the environmental- and human-associated microbial diversity in the surrounding of the Concordia Station. This is the first intensive and extensive surface snow sampling performed monthly over a two-year period at three distances (10, 500, and 1000 m) from the Concordia Station, and investigated by a high-throughput sequencing approach. Emphasis was laid on the relation between microbial presence and both seasonality and distance from the Base. Data suggested that if present the anthropogenic impact was below the detection limit of the employed DNA sequencing-based techniques. On the other hand, our study corroborated the use of DNA sequencing for revealing microbial presence in remote and hostile environments, with implications for Planetary Protections and for life-detection in astrobiology relevant targets.
The dataset contains 500-2000 MHz brightness temperature measurements gathered by the Ultra-Wideband Software Defined Microwave Radiometer (UWBRAD) during the Ice Sheet and Sea Ice Airborne Microwave eXperiment (ISSIUMAX) in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. The published dataset is in ascii format and consists of geolocated nadiral brightness temperature measurements collected over 12 sub-bands whose central frequencies are 560, 660, 820, 900, 1180, 1240, 1370, 1500, 1630, 1740, 1860, and 1950 MHz. Only measurements with a viewing angle within 5 deg with respect to nadir are reported.
Disdrometric data from an OTT Parsivel with 32 size classes and 32 velocity classes positioned at Mario Zucchelli Station (Antarctica), with monthly spectra and particle size distributions (PSD).
Disdrometric data from a Thies Clima 3D Stereo with 22 size classes and 20 velocity classes positioned at L'Aquila (Italy, 42.3831 N, 13.3148 E, 683 m a.s.l.), with monthly spectra and ancillary information.
Vertical profiles along the first kilometre of atmosphere above the ground (from 105 to 1050 m a.g.l.) of equivalent radar reflectivity factor (Ze), Doppler velocity (W) and Doppler spectral width (Sw) from a 24-GHz vertically pointing Micro Rain Radar MRR-2 by METEK GmbH positioned at Mario Zucchelli Station (Antarctica).