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    The datataset includes sound pressure levels acquired in the Ross Sea during project AMORS

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    The Middle Trophic Level of the Ross Sea is still not well known but it mainly characterized by two species of Krill: Euphausia superba, Euphausia Crystallorophias. These species are a key food source for a wide variety of marine birds and mammals in the Ross Sea. For this reason, it's necessary to improve the knowledge on abundance and spatial distribution of MTL species, and their interconnection with environmental parameters to understand the main drivers of the reproductive success and migrations of these species. In this project, an acoustic survey, a synoptic net sampling and a CTD/XBT samplings were carried out following the standard protocols indicated by CCAMLR. Acoustic monitoring was performed at five frequencies: 38, 70, 120, 200 and 333 kHz. Targeted net samplings were performed to validate the preliminary species allocation of the aggregations observed on the echosounder screen. Biometric measures of krill samples was made on board and samples were taken for further analysis. CTD and XBT data was collected and elaborated to characterize water masses and to study the possible influences of the distribution of the main oceanographic parameters on MTL species.

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    ISMAR_AN95 (?) ORA di BAIA TERRA NOVA ctd dicembre 1994 - CTD casts in the Ross Sea Station AN94043 - AN94045 - AN94046 - AN94047 - AN94048 - AN94049 - AN94050 - AN94051 - AN94052 - AN94053 - AN94054 - AN94055 - AN94056 - AN94057 - AN94058 - AN94059 - AN94060 - AN94061 - AN94062 - AN94063 - AN94064 - AN94065 - AN94066 - AN94067 - AN94068 - AN94069 - AN94070 - AN94071 - AN94072 - AN94073 - AN94074 - AN94075 - AN94076

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    The EMPHASIS project focuses on the ecomorphology of the feeding apparatus of Notothenioidea, a suborder of teleost fishes endemic to the Southern Ocean that have colonized available ecological niches and habitats during their adaptive radiation. Ecomorphology is the science that investigates the reciprocal relationship between the environment and the forms of organisms, allowing insights into their evolutionary history, biodiversity, and relationships between form and function. The research activity involves a comparative analysis of the feeding apparatus in species representative of various phyletic lineages, and the study of the relationships between morphology, function and specific performance during feeding. Based on the results of the analysis, three-dimensional digitally supported models of the structures involved in feeding activity was developed.

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    The efficacy and reliability of low-impact technologies were tested to document the occurrence and distribution of Antarctic toothfish in sea-ice covered coastal areas at Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea). Ancillary information, including main water column parameters (temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, and turbidity), was collected at each sampling station.

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    The RESTORE project is dedicated to the development of portable robotic technologies with the capability to perform multi-disciplinary multi-parametric 3-D monitoring of marine environment. Its primary focus lies in examining critical areas such as the air-sea-ice and water-sediment interfaces in Antarctica. This endeavour aims to support various research aspects, including the study of microbial ecology and DNA tracing, as well as the investigation of Antarctic geology, particularly the dynamics surrounding glaciers and ice-covered coastal regions. Furthermore, RESTORE is committed to scrutinising the impacts of climate change on the Antarctic atmosphere and the exchanges that occur between the sea and air. The comprehensive dataset collected during RESTORE will provide researchers with a holistic perspective on an extreme and remote environment such as Antarctica, facilitating the interpretation of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics at the interface zones and, the 3D mapping of the underwater environment and the physical characterisation of the sampled region.